Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 2, 2010

Canadian Architect - 02/2010

Canadian Architect - February 2010

Download : English | 37 pages | PDF | 27 MB

Proyecto y Ejecución de la Estructura de la Torre Agbar

Torre Agbar (Tháp Agbar) là một tòa nhà chọc trời ở Quảng trường Glòries Catalanes thuộc thành phố Barcelona, Tây Ban Nha. Đây là công trình do kiến trúc sư nổi tiếng người Pháp Jean Nouvel thiết kế và được thi công bởi công ty Grupo ACS. Công trình được xây dựng xong tháng 6 năm 2005 và chính thức khánh thành ngày 16 tháng 9 năm 2005 trong một buổi lễ do đích thân đức vua Juan Carlos 1 chủ trì.

Theo kiến trúc sư Nouvel, hình dáng của Torre Agbar được lấy cảm hứng từ các ngọn núi của dãy Montserrat bao quanh Barcelona và hình dáng của một mạch nước phun lên không trung (tên Agbar được lấy từ Grupo Agbar, công ty nước của Barcelona). Trong một cuộc phỏng vấn, Nouvel thừa nhận là tòa nhà có hình dáng giống dương vật. Vì hình dáng đặc biệt của mình mà tòa nhà có biệt hiệu là "l'obús" (con nhộng). Torre Agbar có diện tích sàn 30.000 m², 38 tầng lầu (4 tầng ngầm) với chiều cao tổng cộng 144,44 m. Tòa nhà là sự tổng hợp của một cấu trúc bằng bê tông cốt thép được bao phủ bởi mặt ngoài bằng kính và trên 4.500 cửa sổ. Đây là tòa nhà cao thứ 3 của thành phố Barcelona sau Khách sạn Arts và Torre Mapfre (đều cao 154 m).
Details of the LED luminous devices

Điểm độc đáo nhất của Torre Agbar là hệ thống chiếu sáng buổi tối bao gồm 4.500 đèn LED cho phép chiếu sáng với nhiều hình thù khác nhau. Tòa nhà còn có hệ thống cảm ứng nhiệt cho phép thay đổi sự đóng mở của các tấm kính, qua đó tiết kiệm được năng lượng sử dụng cho hệ thống điều hòa.

Chi tiết mặt ngoài của tháp trong quá trình xây dựng

Toàn cảnh Torre Agbar

Chi tiết Torre Agbar

Alain Robert đang leo Torre Agbar ngày năm 2007

Torre Agbar buổi đêm

Toàn cảnh Torre Agbar buổi đêm

Proyecto y Ejecución de la Estructura de la Torre Agbar
by Jean Nouvel
(Design and Implementation of the Structure of the Torre Agbar)
El siguiente documento sobre el Proyecto y ejecución de la estructura de la Torre Agbar, diseñada por el estudio del francés Jean Nouvel en colaboración con la firma de arquitectos barcelonesa b720, fue escrito en septiembre de 2007 por José Ramón Solé Marzo, (Arquitecto y socio director BOMA, Profesor de estructuras Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya) atiende a toda la problemática asociada al desarrollo del entramado resistente de la construcción de la torre a cargo de BOMA, Consultores de estructuras, haciendo un especial hincapié en todos aquellos particulares de mayor interés, por su carácter más novedoso o singular. Se desarrolla una explicación detallada de estos particulares atendiendo a tres aspectos o etapas fundamentales: concepción, análisis y ejecución.

1.1 La estructura de los sótanos
1.1.1 Excavación y estructuras de contención
1.1.2 Cimentación.
1.1.3 Forjados y pilares
1.1.4 Auditorio
1.2.1 Cimentación
1.2.2 Muro exterior
1.2.3 Núcleo
1.2.4 Forjados
1.2.5 Plantas de Dirección
1.2.6 Cúpula

The following document on the proposed structure and implementation of the Agbar Tower, designed by Frenchman Jean Nouvel study in cooperation with the firm of architects in Barcelona b720, was written in September 2007 by Jose Ramon Solé March, (architect and partner BOMA director, Professor Polytechnic University of Catalunya structures) handles all the problems associated with the development of resistant fabric construction of the tower by BOMA, Consultants structures, with particular emphasis on those individuals of interest, for their tendency to novel or unique. We develop a detailed explanation of these individuals on the basis of three aspects or stages: conception, analysis and execution.
1.1 The structure of the basement
1.1.1 Excavation and containment structures
1.1.2 Grounding.
1.1.3 Forgings and pillars
1.1.4 Auditorium
1.2 Structure of the TOWER
1.2.1 Grounding
1.2.2 External Wall
1.2.3 Core
1.2.4 Fittings
1.2.5 Plant Address
1.2.6 Dome

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Standards der Zukunft Wohnbau neu gedacht

Roland Burgard,
Standards der Zukunft Wohnbau neu gedacht"
(Standards of the future residential re-thought)

Springer | 2008 | ISBN: 321174813X | 233 pages | PDF | 17 MB

Der Wohnungsbau befindet sich durch tief greifende Veränderungen unserer Gesellschaft im Umbruch: neues Rollenverständnis der Frau, geänderte Haushaltsstrukturen und ein wachsendes Komfortbedürfnis. Durch das Zusammentreffen vorhersehbarer demographischer, ökologischer und makroökonomischer Umwälzungen wird der Veränderungsdruck noch weiter steigen. Wie kann man sich im Wohnungswesen auf die kommenden Herausforderungen vorbereiten? Das Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über Akteure und Zukunftsthemen in der europäischen Forschungslandschaft. Anhand ausgewählter Beispiele aus Politik, Industrie und Theorie werden die Ansätze, Methoden und Techniken beschrieben, welche bei Wohnungsbauexperimenten zum Einsatz kommen können. Belegt werden deren Ergebnisse durch eine umfassende Beispieldokumentation. Diese vermittelt aktuelle Trends und zukunftsweisende Innovationen, neue Perspektiven und verlässliche Wegweisungen für den Wohnungsbau der Zukunft und deren konkrete Umsetzung in Bau, Bauprodukte und Technik.

The housing is located by profound changes in our society in transition: new role of women, changing household structures and a growing comfort needs. By coincidence predictable demographic, environmental and macro-economic upheavals of the change in pressure will increase even further. How can you prepare yourself in the housing sector for the coming challenges? The book gives a comprehensive overview of actors and future issues in the European research landscape. Based on selected examples from politics, industry and theory, the approaches, methods and techniques are described, which can occur in experiments for residential use. Whose results are documented by a comprehensive sample documentation. This explores current trends and future innovations, new perspectives and reliable signposts of the future for housing and their concrete implementation in construction, building products and technology

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Archmodels vol.49

Home page : >>>

Archmodels vol. 49Archmodels vol. 49Archmodels vol. 49
Archmodels vol. 49
This collection comes with 70 models of shoes, umbrellas, dressing, cases, bags, suitcase, backpack, briefcase, wallets, gloves,hats, heels, sunglasses.
Download : PDF-Review

Formats: V-Ray *.max - with textures and shaders
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- Maps :

Archmodels vol.48

Home page : >>>

Archmodels vol. 48Archmodels vol. 48Archmodels vol. 48
Archmodels vol. 48
This collection comes with 33 models of yachts, boats, motorboats, vessels, sailings, kayaks, pontoons, water, scooters.
Download : PDF-Review

Formats: V-Ray *.max - with textures and shaders
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- Boats and yachts etc.rar

Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 2, 2010

Revista de Paisajismo N.35 - 01/2010

Revista de Paisajismo - N.35 - January 2010
(Landscape Magazine)
Technical journal of professional landscaping.
Our goal is to turn Landscaping in the benchmark which reflects the progress of the landscaping and the concerns of practitioners in order to ensure that landscaping contributes, ultimately, the sector's growth. To do this we have the collaboration of prominent landscape architects, technicians and industry experts, both nationally and internationally, in addition to an editorial team with years of experience in the field and look forward to the project.

Download: PDF / 84 pages / 53,9 Mb Paisajismo 35 2010-01.pdf

Revista de Paisajismo N.34 - 12/2009

Revista de Paisajismo - N.34 - December 2009
(Landscape Magazine)
Technical journal of professional landscaping.
Our goal is to turn Landscaping in the benchmark which reflects the progress of the landscaping and the concerns of practitioners in order to ensure that landscaping contributes, ultimately, the sector's growth. To do this we have the collaboration of prominent landscape architects, technicians and industry experts, both nationally and internationally, in addition to an editorial team with years of experience in the field and look forward to the project.

Download: PDF / 84 pages / 50,2 Mb Paisajismo 34 2009-12.pdf

Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

Natural Light in Architecture
Derek Phillips, "Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture"
Architectural Press | ISBN: 0750663235 | July 23, 2004 | 240 pages

"An interesting introduction to the principles of sensitive lighting." - EASA Newsletter "It is highly readable, fascinating and educative." - Journal of Architectural Conservation "The book is a good introduction. Readers will be fascinated by construction details, fault systems and repair techniques that are not common in the UK." - The Architects' Journal "I recommend the book to all designers." - RIBA Conservation Newsletter

PDF / 9,265 KB

Architectural Lighting

Architectural lighting
Architectural Lighting (Ansorg)


Lighting Modern Buildings

Lighting Modern Buildings
Derek Phillips, "Lighting Modern Buildings"
Architectural Press | 248 pages | 2000-08-07 | 0750640820 | PDF | 16.5MB

This is an important book, written by one of the top lighting designers in the country. Written at the end of a career as an architect and lighting designer, the book draws on the experience gained while living through a period of intense lighting development, from 1956 up to the millenium. It bridges the gap between the present day architect and lighting engineer, from the viewpoint of the 'independent lighting designer'.

'Lighting Modern Buildings' documents the part played by the independent lighting designer, leading to a greater understanding by architects and lighting engineers of the importance of lighting in architectural design.

The book starts with an exploration of the basic human needs of vision and the perception of our exterior world...the intellectual and the physical...since this is what lighting is all about. To do this, it is necessary to trace the development of daylight from earliest times up to the present day; the starting point for any lighting design is the 'natural' source.

Whilst an essential understanding of the role of daylight is the beginning, a knowledge of the various forms and properties of artificial light is essential; not only at night but during the day. In early buildings, there was one form of light - daylight - during the day and another - artificial - at night. No attempt was made to integrate the two. The situation today is different; there are many reasons for this, not least in the possibilities of modern structure. The book therefore has extensive coverage of day and night lighting and how it is designed to provide optimum solutions in building design.

A major portion of Derek Phillips' book is devoted to 'design'. Sufficient technical detail is provided in the book to permit an understanding of the design principles of each scheme. Schemes illustrated vary from small domestic buildings, churches and workplace, to those devoted to leisure and sport. At the end of each section a series of conclusions are drawn leading to a philosophy of lighting design.

* Learn how to design optimum lighting solutions
* Understand how to bridge the gap between architects and lighting engineers
* Discover how to integrate natural and artificial light sources


Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 2, 2010

Good Lighting for Offices and Office Buildings

Good lighting for Offices
Good Lighting for Offices and Office Buildings

Download: PDF / 52 pages / 5,6MB

Habitat - No.03

Habitat - No.03

looks at all the elements of our homes, both inside and out. It's coloured by Resene, but it's not just about painting. It covers the full spectrum of design, renovation and refurbishment - from the smallest to the largest projects to help you tackle your next decorating, refurbishment, renovation or new build project.

Download : PDF | 84 pages |6,7 Mb 03.pdf

Habitat - No.01

Habitat - No.01

looks at all the elements of our homes, both inside and out. It's coloured by Resene, but it's not just about painting. It covers the full spectrum of design, renovation and refurbishment - from the smallest to the largest projects to help you tackle your next decorating, refurbishment, renovation or new build project.

Download : PDF | 71 pages | 5,3 Mb 01.pdf

Hotel Design - 01.02/2010

Hotel Design - January/February 2010

Download : True PDF | 52 pages | 13 Mb

Style at Home - 04/2010

Style at Home - April 2010

STYLE AT HOME brings an exciting and stylish voice to the world of home decorating. It's the primary choice for Canadians who are interested in living in style.

Download : PDF | 129/148 pages (min adv) | 56,3 Mb 2010-04.pdf

Revista de Paisajismo N.33 - 11/2009

Revista de Paisajismo - N.33 - November 2009
(Landscape Magazine)
Technical journal of professional landscaping.
Our goal is to turn Landscaping in the benchmark which reflects the progress of the landscaping and the concerns of practitioners in order to ensure that landscaping contributes, ultimately, the sector's growth. To do this we have the collaboration of prominent landscape architects, technicians and industry experts, both nationally and internationally, in addition to an editorial team with years of experience in the field and look forward to the project.

Download: PDF / 84 pages / 49,9 Mb Paisajismo 33 2009-11.pdf

Revista de Paisajismo N.32 - 10/2009

Revista de Paisajismo - N.32 - October 2009
(Landscape Magazine)
Technical journal of professional landscaping.
Our goal is to turn Landscaping in the benchmark which reflects the progress of the landscaping and the concerns of practitioners in order to ensure that landscaping contributes, ultimately, the sector's growth. To do this we have the collaboration of prominent landscape architects, technicians and industry experts, both nationally and internationally, in addition to an editorial team with years of experience in the field and look forward to the project.

Download: PDF / 84 pages / 49,8Mb Paisajismo 32 2009-10.pdf

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 2, 2010

Interiores 121 - 03/2010

Interiores #121 - March 2010

Interior magazine you discover new solutions to make your home a unique and comfortable space. A publication of high-end, designed especially for women, urban and cosmopolitan look to the latest trends, elegance and value to your home.

Download : PDF | 187 pages | 80 Mb | Spanish 121 2010-03.pdf

Archmodels vol.47

Home page : >>>

Archmodels vol. 47Archmodels vol. 47Archmodels vol. 47
Archmodels vol. 47
This collection comes with 65 models of game machines, blackjack machines, darts, football tables, tennis tables, chess, roulette games, golf, bowling, basketball, casino gadgets etc.
Download : PDF-Review

Formats: V-Ray *.max - with textures and shaders
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- Vray file: Equipment for entertainment_VRAY.rar
- Maps : TEXTURES.part1.rar TEXTURES.part2.rar

Archmodels vol.46 - Bathroom equipment

Home page : >>>

Archmodels vol. 46Archmodels vol. 46Archmodels vol. 46
Archmodels vol. 46
This collection comes with 70 models of bathroom equipment.
Download : PDF-Review

Formats: V-Ray *.max - with textures and shaders
Download : Bathroom equipment.rar

Revista de Paisajismo N.31 - 09/2009

Revista de Paisajismo - N.31 - September 2009
(Landscape Magazine)
Technical journal of professional landscaping.
Our goal is to turn Landscaping in the benchmark which reflects the progress of the landscaping and the concerns of practitioners in order to ensure that landscaping contributes, ultimately, the sector's growth. To do this we have the collaboration of prominent landscape architects, technicians and industry experts, both nationally and internationally, in addition to an editorial team with years of experience in the field and look forward to the project.

Download: PDF / 84 pages / 45,1Mb Paisajismo 31 2009-09.pdf

Revista de Paisajismo N.30 - 08/2009

Revista de Paisajismo - N.30 - August 2009
(Landscape Magazine)

Technical journal of professional landscaping.
Our goal is to turn Landscaping in the benchmark which reflects the progress of the landscaping and the concerns of practitioners in order to ensure that landscaping contributes, ultimately, the sector's growth. To do this we have the collaboration of prominent landscape architects, technicians and industry experts, both nationally and internationally, in addition to an editorial team with years of experience in the field and look forward to the project.

Download: PDF / 84 pages / 52,4Mb Paisajismo 30 2009-08.pdf

Revista de Paisajismo N.29 - 07/2009

Revista de Paisajismo - N.29 - July 2009
(Landscape Magazine)
Revista técnica del profesional del paisajismo.
Nuestro objetivo es convertir Paisajismo en el punto de referencia donde se reflejen los progresos del paisajismo y las inquietudes de los profesionales, con el fin de conseguir que Paisajismo contribuya, en definitiva, al crecimiento del sector. Para ello contamos con la colaboración de destacados paisajistas, técnicos y expertos del sector, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, además de un equipo de redacción con años de experiencia en el tema y con mucha ilusión en el proyecto.

Technical journal of professional landscaping.
Our goal is to turn Landscaping in the benchmark which reflects the progress of the landscaping and the concerns of practitioners in order to ensure that landscaping contributes, ultimately, the sector's growth. To do this we have the collaboration of prominent landscape architects, technicians and industry experts, both nationally and internationally, in addition to an editorial team with years of experience in the field and look forward to the project.

Download: PDF / 84 pages / 50Mb Paisajismo 29 2009-07.pdf

Landscape Architecture - 03/2010

Landscape Architecture - the magazine of the American Society of Landscape Architects provides timely information on built landscapes and new techniques for ecologically sensitive planning and design.

Landscape Architecture - March 2010

Download: PDF | 135 pages | 84,5 Mb | English 2010-03.pdf

Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 2, 2010

New York Spaces - 03/2010

New York Spaces - March 2010
In short, New York Spaces is dedicated to helping affluent, acquisitive users enhance their private worlds — making it a remarkable showcase for the design community and advertisers alike.

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PDF | 116 pages | 39,5 Mb | English Spaces 2010-03.pdf

NZ House & Garden - 03/2010

New Zealand House & Garden - March 2010
New Zealand's favourite home and lifestyle magazine, NZ House & Garden celebrates the homes, lifestyles and creativity of New Zealanders. Always a delight, NZ House & Garden explores an extraordinary variety of inspiring, beautiful and intriguing homes and gardens.

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169/180 pages (min adv) | 85,2 Mb HaG 2010-03.pdf

NZ House & Garden - 02/2010

New Zealand House & Garden - February 2010

New Zealand's favourite home and lifestyle magazine, NZ House & Garden celebrates the homes, lifestyles and creativity of New Zealanders. Always a delight, NZ House & Garden explores an extraordinary variety of inspiring, beautiful and intriguing homes and gardens.

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166/178 pages (min adv) | 84,2 Mb HaG 2010-02.pdf

NZ House & Garden - 10/2009

New Zealand House & Garden - October 2009

New Zealand's favourite home and lifestyle magazine, NZ House & Garden celebrates the homes, lifestyles and creativity of New Zealanders. Always a delight, NZ House & Garden explores an extraordinary variety of inspiring, beautiful and intriguing homes and gardens.

Download : 163/180 pages (min adv) | 79,8 Mb HaG 2009-10.pdf

Concept for Living - 03/2010

Concept for Living - #136 - March 2010

For over ten years Concept For Living magazine has sought out the most exciting interior design projects that the North has to offer, showcased a diverse selection of cutting-edge, design-led products and provided Northern design enthusiasts with a creative commentary on the interiors industry. Jam packed with readers' homes and gardens, product features, interviews, profiles and regional design news, Concept For Living is the must-buy design magazine for the north of the UK.

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PDF | 132 pages | 60 Mb | English 2010-03.pdf

Hospitality Design - 01.02/2010

Hospitality Design - January/February 2010

Hospitality Design is the leading publication and established web resource in the business. Providing comprehensive reporting on hotel industry news and exclusive coverage of the latest ecological-friendly green hotels and bar designs, HD Magazine keeps you updated on the latest hotel trends in technology and innovative ideas. From recent hotel renovations and openings to award-winning luxury hotels and hotel construction projects, HD Magazine keeps you informed on news that matters most to your hospitality business.

Download : PDF / 27,4 Mb / 100 pages 2010-01.pdf
Girls Generation - Korean